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lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013


It's been a long time but I'm here again. I need your help to update this blog. It's time for you to give ideas and share them here.

Last week, I was talking to some students in a class about those words that seem to be English, but they aren't. They are called "falsos anglicismos" in our language. 
A clear example is the word FOOTING. Oh no! This is NOT English...this is a Spanish invention. The word for this in English is jogging.
Footing exists but it has a different meaning. So, stop saying: I love footing!

Another example is PARKING. The place where we park our car is called CAR PARK. Parking is the gerund of PARK. No more. So, it's forbidden to say: The car is in the parking.

The following one is the funniest: PUENTING. I can't imagine someone thinks this is English, but...just in case I warn you. PUENTING is nothing. It's similar to say "hablanding" instead of speaking. The word in English is BUNGEE-JUMPING. I know it's more difficult than puenting, but...

Now it's turn to the word AUTOSTOP. No, it's not English, it's a mixture of languages. The correct word in English is HITCH HIKING. If you do autostop is because you are in Spain. Don't say this in UK or USA. They won't understand :(

To finish, ZAPPING is not English. It's Spanish with a touch of English. Zapping in English means nothing. The correct word is CHANNEL HOPPING OR SURFING. This means that tonight you are zapping in Spain, but an American person is channel surfing.

So, from now on, when you say something that sounds English, google it and get the truth!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello, hello!! :D
    Taht is very nice,I thing is a strenge thing.
    Bye, bye!! :)
    By Ainoa Sierra. ;)

  2. Thanks again, you are the best.

  3. that stuff.
    Some were know but not others

  4. Wow , I didn´t konw these words we saying worse . Now , I´m going to try say these words well .
    Thanks for all Rachel !!
    Good bye !!
    By Lidia Albaiceta . :)

  5. I reading this part of the blog 3 times because often use the SPANGLISH!!! and not use the english. The examples are very esasy to understand. My favourite example is Parking-Car Park but the others are very interesting,too.
    By David Arbúes Gracia.
