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jueves, 18 de julio de 2013


An eternal question is: 
What's the difference between trip and journey?

In Spanish, we say "viaje" without taking into account if the "viaje" is long or short.
Well, in English, TRIP is used when we travel short distances. It is usually used when travelling  the same day. Imagine you are at a hotel and they organize a trip to see something around. For example: "The trip to El Monasterio de Piedra was amazing!"

JOURNEY describes travelling long distances. Example: "The journey from Spain to Germany is a three-day journey. Don't you prefer the plane?"

And TRAVEL is the general word used to say "viajar".

And you, are you travelling somewhere this month?

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Raquel :) I like too much your blog. I have two musical trips this month. I'll go to Gasteiz's Festival Jazz next weekend and I am going to Madrid to listening to Marck Nfoffler. I'm so excited!!!!
    Congratulations for your amazing blog :)
