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domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Positive thinking ♪♫

Sunday is my favourite day of the week. My Sundays involve:
♥ Lying on the sofa.
♥ Preparing a good meal.
♥ Watching a film or a sitcom in good company.
♥ Blanket+hot tea+sofa = Perfect combination.
♥ Preparing my week lessons in a relaxing way.

Sunday is the day when I work harder and I search many interesting things on the Internet. 
Positive thinking posters are something that I'm really into. I'd like to print all of them and wrap all my walls with them.
I have selected five for you. I hope you agree with their message ;). Happy and relaxing Sunday!

5 comentarios:

  1. The third one is awesome!!! Enjoy this Sunday :)

  2. Your Sunday is amazing!
    I hate Sundays! Beacause is my S.T.U.D.Y (Sleeping ,Talking, Unlimited texting,Dreaming and Yawning) day!
    Is too bored for me!
    Iris Carrillo 2ºC.

  3. I love the first one <3 all are great,thank you for share them to us!!!
